Frequently Asked Questions
Which vaccines do you require?
Annual or 3-year Rabies, depending on vet documentation
Distemper/Parvo booster yearly
Bordetella every 6 months
It is ideal to have those vaccinations updated prior to your pet’s stay with us.
We will give a flea prevention. There is an $3.00 charge for this. If you choose to give your pet his/her flea prevention in the presence of our team, this charge will not be added to your invoice.
If your veterinarian has recommended your dog NOT receive vaccinations, please bring or fax a letter from them stating such.
Should I bring my own food?
We recommend bringing your dog’s food from home, especially if they have dietary restrictions or require a special formula for health issues. Our house food is Purina Veterinary Diet (dry). ALLERGY WARNING: his food contains Corn and Chicken. Canned EN is available for a fee, please inquire. Our food is prepared in a Doggie Galley and is equipped with a refrigerator. No raw meats, or Real bones will be given. Some treats may be considered as choking hazards. We will keep those with the pet’s belongings.
Should I bring bedding & bowls?
Each suite is furnished with everything your pet will need, including clean bowls each day and a raised Kuranda bed for comfort. However, if your pet has a favorite bed or blanket, you are welcome to bring it! Some items may be torn, ripped, or even shredded. Please do not bring anything that cannot be replaced.
Should I bring toys?
Of course! Since we have plenty of toys for he/she to enjoy during their stay, personal toys will remain in their suite if they are joining a play group with other dogs. Please label your toys with your pet’s name.
OK, so what should I NOT bring?
Each item that comes in with your pet is inventoried and labeled, but accidents can happen! We highly recommend leaving anything breakable, damageable, or irreplaceable at home.
How many potty breaks will my dog get?
Each lodging accommodation comes standard with four potty breaks throughout the day. We offer activities for all energy types, including extra potty breaks!
If I choose a suite with a porch, will my dog still get a potty break?
Our guests in the suites with a porch have the “luxury” to go outside to potty whenever he/she wants to.
My dog must be given medications, can you give that to him/her?
Our guests will be given their necessary medications as needed. Please bring the medication in the original labeled bottle(s). Advise our staff how to administer the medication(s). There is a $3.00 fee/day for medicating.
Boarding Deposits for Holiday Boarding
Due to the demand for boarding space over major holidays, The Lodge Luxury Boarding Retreat has the following policies:
- A $50.00 minimum charge applies to all pets boarded during holiday periods. Boarding deposit is due at the time the reservation is made, but no later than 14 days prior to your reservation.
- A $50.00 per pet advance deposit is required to hold your holiday reservations. Your deposit will be applied to your boarding charges.
Deposits are 100% refundable with a five-day cancellation notice.
No deposit will be refunded with less than a five-day notice.
Holidays included:
Spring Break Week Mar 13-23, 2020
Easter April 9-16, 2020
Memorial Day May 22-29, 2020
Independence Day July 1-8, 2020
Labor Day Aug 29-Sept 9, 2020
Thanksgiving Nov 19- 25, 2020
Christmas & New Year’s Dec 19- Jan 9, 2020
Which vaccines do you require?
Annual Rabies, depending on vet documentation Annual Feline Distemper (FVRCP) combo.
Should I bring my own food?
We highly recommend sending your feline friend with food from home to maintain their normal feeding routine. House food is Purina Veterinary Diet EN recipe. Canned food in the same recipe and is also available for a fee, please inquire if you are interested.
Do you offer kitty activities?
Of course! We offer activities suitable for all energy levels and personalities. We also offer activity packages so your cat can maximize their fun without busting your budget!
Do you have kitty webcams?
The Kitty Room at the Lodge Luxury Boarding Retreat is not equipped with a webcam services at this time.
Should I bring my own bedding & bowls?
Each suite offers cozy bedding, a fresh litter box daily, and clean bowls for each meal. If your cat enjoys a bed or blanket from home, you are welcome to bring it!
How do you ensure the group gets along?
Play groups are supervised at all times by staff members trained in canine communication and body language.
Is day camp indoor or outdoor?
Both! Day camp groups may enjoy play time in our outdoor play yard, or in our climate-controlled indoor play room. Hours of day camp may be different during the summer season.
My older dog loves to play, but may tire quickly. Will he/she be able to rest?
Day camp attendants closely monitor the happiness and health of each member of the pack. If your dog appears to be over-exhausted, overwhelmed, or otherwise not themselves, we will ensure they receive individualized care and extra rest time based on their needs and energy level.
What if my dog normally eats a mid-day meal?
12PM-1PM is “Quiet Time”. Day camp dogs will spend this time in their own personal cabin to have some “me” time and enjoy a peaceful lunch.